
ISOPP is governed by our Bylaws. Bylaws for Canadian not-for-profit organizations are the rules and regulations that govern how the organization operates. They are similar to a constitution for the organization.

Why are bylaws important?

  • Bylaws establish the roles and responsibilities of directors and officers
  • Bylaws outline how the organization will manage conflicts of interest
  • Bylaws define how the organization will make decisions, such as voting procedures and meeting procedures
  • Bylaws can be modified as the organization's needs change

What should be included in bylaws? 

  • Voting procedures, including quorum and notice requirements for AGMs
  • Committee creation and abolition, and board actions required
  • Conflict of interest management
  • Amendment procedures, including who can amend bylaws
  • Membership criteria

How are bylaws created?

  • Bylaws are created when a not-for-profit corporation is incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act)