Global Oncology Pharmacy Leaders
Through our Global Oncology Pharmacy Leaders Meetings, ISOPP brings together representatives from all around the world to collectively advance oncology pharmacy practice and improve cancer patient care globally.
The first virtual meeting took place in July 2023 and ISOPP is continuing it on a quarterly basis, providing the opportunity for delegates to learn from each other, discuss challenges, share knowledge and resources, coordinate priorities, and harmonize efforts.
ISOPP gratefully acknowledges the active participation and contributions of the delegates listed below. Our goal is to include representation from all countries, so if your country is not listed yet please contact us so we can work with you and your country’s national oncology pharmacy/national pharmacy organization or equivalent to nominate a representative. If you already have nomination from your national oncology pharmacy/national pharmacy organization or equivalent please complete this form.
Members of ISOPP Global Leaders
To represent each country the leaders have been nominated by their country's oncology pharmacy organisation / pharmacy organisation. A self declaration is completed annually to remain on the group.

Congolese Society of Oncology Pharmacy | Société Congolaise de Pharmacie Oncologique (COSOPH)

Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OPPAN)




North America

South America