Spread the Word About NO-FEE Membership
There is no fee for ISOPP membership.
ISOPP’s 10-year vision showcases joint collaborations, global leadership meetings, increased education offerings, and strategies to move oncology pharmacy services forward for ISOPP members in all countries throughout the world.

Through the Society’s educational resources and events, the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP), newsletters, Awards and Grants and website, we connect you with leading edge oncology knowledge, best practices and essential professional networks. Check out all the benefits of ISOPP membership and watch a video giving a 5-minute synopsis from the ISOPP President on all you need to know about ISOPP.
To be a member of ISOPP, you must be engaged in oncology pharmacy and/or a related field and support the vision of advancing oncology pharmacy care and the Society.
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We look forward to welcoming you to the ISOPP community and working together to advance cancer patient care globally.