How to Use This Website
Below are directions on how to get the best use of the website.
If you have any questions after reading the directions, contact the Society Management Office at for further assistance.
- Choose your forum of choice and click on heading to enter into the forum.

- Click on “Add new Forum Topic”.
- Subject: Type in a title for your forum topic
Body: Type about your topic, asking questions, discussing new research, responding to other members’ remarks, notifying about interesting events or training opportunities, etc. - Click on “Save”

As a member, you can subscribe to the Discussion Forum, by forum area or specific forum topic.
To subscribe to a Forum:
- Log in as a member and go to “Discussion Forum”
- Select the forum you wish to subscribe to, and click “Subscribe to this forum”.
- Repeat this for all Forums you wish to have alerts for.
When someone makes a forum post or a response, you will receive an email alerting you to this. Only members who subscribe to this forum will receive an email alerting.

To subscribe to only one topic within a forum:
- Log in as a member and go to “Discussion Forum”
- Select the forum.
- Click on the topic you wish to subscribe to, and click “Subscribe to this forum topic”.
When someone makes a response in this topic only, you will receive an email alerting you to this.

If you do not want to receive email notifications about posts from a specific Discussion Forums topic, you can manage your subscription with the below steps:
- Once Log in as a member, you will be directed to “My Dashboard”.
- Scroll down to the “Forum Subscriptions” section.
- Click “Manage subscription” for the topic that you would like to unsubscribe

- Alternativly you can click “Unsubscribe from this forum topic” within the forum itself.

You can choose to hide or show your details to other members in the ISOPP website. This will be shown in any pages that have your profile such as commmitees or resources and the Find a member page.
To change or check your setting:
- Log into the website
- Click on 'My Dashboard'
- Click 'Manage your Account'
- In 'Update Details' scroll down to 'Website Member Listing'
- Update as needed.
- Ensure to click "Submit" button
Please allow up to 2 hours for this to take affect in the website.

If you have forgotton your password follow these instructions
- Click on 'Member Login'
- Click 'Reset your password' and follow the instructions.

You can update your profile by adding your photo, bio, social media links, and other information about yourself so that members can easily connect with you.
Once logged in, you can access your account at any time.
Go to the “My Dashboard”, in the green banner, and click on “Manage your Account”.

Click on the “Update Details” on the left side of the menu.

You have the option of:
- Updating your contact details
- Inserting/Updating your photo
- Inserting/Updating your bio
- Inserting/Updating your social media pages (be sure to include the full URL)
- Update your website listing status and communication consent
- Providing more details such as the following
- Number of years you have been practicing in the oncology pharmacy field
- Areas you practice in
- Membership status with any National/International Oncology or Oncology Pharmacy Association (s)
When you are finished updating the profile, scroll to the bottom and click on “Submit” button. Please allow up to 2 hours for the website to be reflected for your changes.
As part of your membership you have access to the following:
- Discussion forum: a platform to connect with colleagues worldwide, ask questions, and discuss topics related to oncology pharmacy practice.
- e-learning: the ISOPP e-learning hub where our courses can be accessed
- Find members: Search and connet with other members across the world
- Society documents: Information on Society only documents such as the Annual General Meeting (AGM) documents.
These are accessed via the green bar at the top that appears after you have logged in to the website.

Your website profile can be viewed from the My Dashboard area by clicking on 'Visit your profile'.
This will display your information as shown when other members click on your name in the 'Find Members' sections or if you are connected to a resource such as a presentation or are linked to a Committee/Task Force

An example 'View your profile' is below. To change what others see please review the settings in 'Manage your account'.
When you are finished updating the profile, scroll to the bottom and click on “Submit” button. Please allow up to 2 hours for the website to be reflected for your changes.

The Library has a powerful search function for members to find resources with ease.
- Search by author, title, category or keyword(s)
- Toggle 'Advanced search' to narrow down to Categories and/or Year.

- You will need to be logged in as a member
- Click 'JOPP'
- Click 'Access JOPP'
- This will take you direct to Sage as a member with full access to JOPP

- You will need to be logged in as a member
- Click the 'E-learning' link in the green bar
- This will take you direct to your account in the ISOPP E-Learning platform