Join the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners and the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Oncology for leading edge education to advance your oncology pharmacy practice and knowledge in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, where land meets sea and cultures converge!
Together, ISOPP’s XXII International Symposium on Oncology Pharmacy Practice and CAPhO’s Conference 2025 (ISOPP CAPhO 2025), takes place April 3-6 (Symposium) and April 7 (Masterclasses) at the Victoria Conference Centre, located in the vibrant heart of downtown Victoria. The theme of ISOPP CAPhO Symposium 2025 is "Global Insights, Local Impact: Advancing a Community of Oncology Pharmacy Practice".
Nestled between the tranquil waters of the Salish Sea and the mighty rainforests of Vancouver Island, come to learn, share best practices and experience Victoria’s rich culture and the diverse range of activities for all ages, abilities and preferences.
The ISOPP CAPhO Symposium promises to be a thought provoking, wide ranging and impactful program of technical, clinical and practice updates. You will:
- compare practice with colleagues from around the world
- explore strategies to enhance practice and patient outcomes
- collaborate, create and innovate in hot topic discussions
- be challenged and inspired!