Learning Objectives
ISOPP's Oncology Pharmacotherapy and Applications of Biosimilars (OPAB) Program consists of 10 online modules (total of 25 hours).
Please see the learning objectives below.
Duration: 2 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Joseph Bubalo, Oncology Pharmacotherapy Specialist, OHSU Hospital and Clinics, USA
Learning Objectives:
- Define the term “Biosimilars” and understand the rationale for Biosimilars use
- Describe the similarities and differences between Biosimilars and reference biologics in terms of structure, function and regulatory requirements
- Discuss clinical issues involving the use of Biosimilars, including extrapolation of indication and interchangeability/switching
- Evaluate clinical data comparing Biosimilars and reference biologics
Duration: 2 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Tegan Bilse, Oncology Pharmacist, Soweto Comprehensive Care Centre – Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, South Africa
Co-Author/Facilitator: Aygin Bayraktar-Ekincioglu, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy - Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Learning Objectives:
- Define the scope of practice of oncology pharmacists and the roles that pharmacists play in a multidisciplinary cancer care team
- Discuss the various types of clinical services and programs that are commonly implemented by oncology pharmacists around the world
- Discuss the metrics and outcomes that are commonly utilized to measure the success of clinical services and programs implemented by oncology pharmacists
Duration: 3 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Kellie Jones Weddle, Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Purdue University College of Pharmacy, USA
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the current pharmacotherapy approaches in the management of breast cancer, using evidence-based information
- Apply pharmacotherapy knowledge of breast cancer on oncology patient care, through the provision of various oncology pharmacy services
- Discuss efficacy, safety and humanistic outcomes data of selected Biosimilars used in breast cancer with respect to their originator product
Duration: 3 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Lisa M. Holle, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, UConn School of Pharmacy, USA
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the current pharmacotherapy approaches in the management of colorectal cancer, using evidence-based information
- Apply pharmacotherapy knowledge of colorectal cancer on oncology patient care, through the provision of various oncology pharmacy services
- Discuss efficacy, safety and humanistic outcomes data of selected Biosimilars used in colorectal cancer with respect to their originator product
Duration: 3 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Islam Elkonaissi, Lead Lung Cancer & Clinical Commissioning Support Pharmacist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust & BOPA, UK
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the current pharmacotherapy approaches in the management of lung cancer, using evidence-based information
- Apply pharmacotherapy knowledge of lung cancer on oncology patient care, through the provision of various oncology pharmacy services
- Discuss efficacy, safety and humanistic outcomes data of selected Biosimilars used in lung cancer with respect to their originator product
Duration: 3 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Judith A. Smith, Associate Professor, UTHealth Medical School at Houston, USA
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the current pharmacotherapy approaches in the management of gynecological cancer, using evidence-based information
- Apply pharmacotherapy knowledge of gynecological cancer on oncology patient care, through the provision of various oncology pharmacy services
- Discuss efficacy, safety and humanistic outcomes data of selected Biosimilars used in gynecological cancer with respect to their originator product
Duration: 2 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Lillian Cortez, GI Cancer Specialist Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the current pharmacotherapy approaches in the management of upper GI cancer, using evidence-based information
- Apply pharmacotherapy knowledge of upper GI cancer on oncology patient care, through the provision of various oncology pharmacy services
- Discuss efficacy, safety and humanistic outcomes data of selected Biosimilars used in upper GI cancer with respect to their originator product
Duration: 2 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Emma Foreman, Consultant Pharmacist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the current pharmacotherapy approaches in the management of kidney cancer, using evidence-based information
- Apply pharmacotherapy knowledge of kidney cancer on oncology patient care, through the provision of various oncology pharmacy services
- Discuss efficacy, safety and humanistic outcomes data of selected Biosimilars used in kidney cancer with respect to their originator product
Duration: 2 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Alexandre Chan, Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Department Chair, Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice, UC Irvine School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, USA
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the basic principles of supportive care in cancer management
- Discuss the current management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, myelosuppression, bone health and oncologic emergencies in accordance to therapy guidelines
- Discuss patient perspectives and challenges in providing supportive care for cancer management
- Discuss opportunities to utilize Biosimilars for optimizing cancer supportive care
Duration: 3 hours
Author/Presenter/Facilitator: Emma Foreman, Consultant Pharmacist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss logistic considerations that are important in the incorporation of Biosimilars into clinical practice
- Demonstrate the ability to provide education on Biosimilar use to both patients and healthcare professionals (best practices)
- Identify strategies and resources that can facilitate the process of implementing Biosimilars in clinical practice