
Have you submitted your abstract(s) for Africa Regional Oncology Pharmacy Symposium 2019 (AROPS19)?

Submit your abstract by Sunday, March 31, 2019 to


A reminder that the fifty-eighth issue of the Virtual Journal Club (VJC) is available on the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) website. To access it, visit the Virtual Journal Club Surveys page or follow the direct link to the survey. 


ISOPP's elections will be held in March 2019. ISOPP is seeking candidates for four Secretariat members for a two-year term. 


ISOPP 2019 Abstract submission is open! Submit your abstract(s) online by Monday, May 6, 2019 at midnight UTC. 


Have you completed the Biosimilars Education Need Assessment Survey? A reminder was sent to your inbox and the deadline to respond is Monday, February 18th. 


A reminder that the fifty-seventh issue of the Virtual Journal Club (VJC) is available on the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) website. To access it, visit the Virtual Journal Club Surveys page or follow the direct link to the survey. 


Online abstract submission for ISOPP 2019 and AROPS 2019 will be open soon! 

Are you ready to submit your abstract? The ISOPP Research Committee has prepared a resource on how to write an abstract for a scientific meeting.  A useful tool guiding you in the process of preparing a well-written abstract, especially if it is your first time. Review the guide for some 'tips and tricks'.



Watch your inbox for two Education Needs Assessment Surveys! Why two?



We are seeking ISOPP members who are interested in volunteering as of member of the 2019 elections Nominations Task Force (NTF).


Every day oncology pharmacists make a difference in the lives of cancer patients around the world. Part of ISOPP’s mission is to support and reward this vital work. We do this through our Grants & Awards program.