
Congratulation to Saudi Oncology Pharmacy Assembly (SOPA) for a successful pre-conference at the SOPA / ISOPP Regional Conference. A big thanks to ISOPP Masterclass presenters, Alex Chan and Emma Foreman!


ISOPP’s 2022 International Symposium takes place virtually in 2022 on March 4 – 5. Save the date!  


The Saudi Oncology Pharmacy Assembly (SOPA) is hosting ISOPP’s first ever Saudi Arabia Regional Oncology Pharmacy Conference, scheduled to take place in November 18 (ISOPP Masterclasses) and November 19 – 20 (Conference), 2021 as a hybrid conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Visit the website for more information on how to register, program and more.


The article “Impact of coronavirus of 2019 on the delivery of pharmacy services to patients with cancer: An international survey of oncology pharmacy practitioners” is published in Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP).


ISOPP Members, the eighty-eighth issue of the Virtual Journal Club (VJC) is available on the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) website. To access it, visit the 


Every day oncology pharmacists make a difference in the lives of cancer patients around the world. Part of ISOPP’s mission is to support and reward this vital work. We do this through our Grants & Awards program. The deadlines to nominate yourself and/or an ISOPP member for an award or to apply for a Research Grant is Tuesday, January 11, 2022.  


We are seeking ISOPP members who are interested in volunteering for the 2022 Election Nominations Task Force (NTF).  This year, the Task Force is chaired by Evelyn Handel, ISOPP’s President-Elect, and, as customary, overseen by the Governance Committee. The work of this Task Force is outlined below, and will occur from November to January.  If you would like to serve on the NTF, please contact me via email at by Monday, October 25, 2021.


ISOPP Members, the ISOPP quarterly Newsletter was distributed to your inbox today. Read about updates and other important news from ISOPP and members around the world!


We are putting the final touches on the highly anticipated launch of the Oncology Pharmacotherapy and Applications of Biosimilars (OPAB) Program, and, also devising a stellar program for ISOPP’s 2022 International Symposium, which will take place virtually on March 4 – 5. Find out more information within the newsletter on both these initiatives and be sure to register for OPAB (if you haven’t already done so). Also, save the dates for ISOPP Virtual 2022!